Saturday, August 31, 2019

My parents My role model Essay

Many times in life, we come across a tough, influential person who leaves a great and powerful impact on our lives. When you hear the words â€Å"role model in your life†, who or what do you think of? When I hear it a string of actors, musicians, athletes and, celebrities Over the years, the concept of a essay on  role model has changed from fictional â€Å"heroes† seen in movies, comics, and stories to average people that make an exceptional impact on someone’s life. A role of parents in our life model need not necessarily be a celebrity. A role model in life  can be family, teacher, friend or just a stranger, social worker, a leader etc. who did something that changes your thoughts and decisions about life. And for me my role model are my parents in this essay. My father is my role model are my parents because they posses the quality of a good parent. I know, they are not perfect but they carry the virtue and quality of a parent that everyone could wish for . see more:muet speaking tips Importance of parents in our life My parents are very responsible, good provider, committed to their duties and responsibilities, loving and determined in pursuing their plans to nurture us with good values and norms so that we will became responsible,well-disciplined, God-loving and taught us to love others, as we grow old. my parents make sure that they provide us what we need and they do their best, even in the midst of hardships. They do not stop or even pause in fulfilling their duties and responsibilities as a parent. They always seek a solution or find ways to keep our life better and meaningful. My parents always show and teach us the good values so that we can past it on to the next generation. They are always there to support us in our endeavor and in pursuing our dreams. They are very supportive especially when I need to decide on my own, they are always there on my side, not to be hindered in my plans but instead to give advice and support that I needed most. My parents make sure that they are on my side in every step of the way of our life. My role model speech My parents are essay on my role model because I want to be like them, the way they nurtured us Parents are the first role models for their children. Children look up to their parents with love and trust and at least in the formative years they try to follow closely the example set by their parents. It is imperative that parents be positive, pro-social models that lead by example so that their children learn to be emotionally intelligent and deal with all kinds of people while nurturing loving relationships as they grow up. In a busy world that is becoming increasingly indifferent to the weak, the old and the vulnerable, parents should show  their children that honesty, courage, mercy, love and tolerance are as important as brilliant feats of mind and body are to retain the worlds sanity. We owe it to our children. Works Cited Ostermann, Samuel H. Role Model. Hamilton, N.Z., X Street Two, 2010. â€Å"Role Model.† Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation,

Friday, August 30, 2019

Alzheimer’s Disease Amyloid Precursor Protein Gene

Alzheimer’s disease, AD, is a distressing condition that involves the decline in cognition of the mind which results to psychotic disorder, and affective and behavioral disturbances (Bloom 9). It is a progressive central nervous system disorder and the main cause of dementia (Stavljenic-Rukavina 1). Alois Alzheimer in 1907 reported the case of a 51-year old Frankfurt woman who died in dementia (Bloom 9). He described the neuropathological condition of the woman with neurofibrillary tangles or NFTs and amyloid plaques or NPs (Bloom10). NPs are extracellular beta-amyloid peptide or A?Spherical deposits closely related to dendrites, reactive astrocytes, dystrophic axons, and activated microglia (Felician and Sandson 19). Thus, for several decades, collaborative efforts of experts from different scientific and medicinal endeavors were devoted for the neurological and pathophysiological characterization of this disease (Bloom 9). As such, the roles of four specified genes, as well as the mechanism of oxidative stress, tau, inflammation, hormonal changes, and inflammation on the AD’s neurodegeneration have been the central theme of scientific studies conducted on this disease (Felician and Sandson 19).As experts continuously gained insights on the mechanisms of neurodegeneration, pharmacological strategies are concurrently devised for the development of appropriate drug treatment and interventions (Felician and Sandson 19). Molecular Mechanism Early and late onset ADs are types of familial AD which are genetically heterogeneous. Familial AD is accounted for 10% of AD cases from 30-60 year old patients and ascribed to three types of genes which included APP, presenilin-1 or PSEN1 and presenilin-2 or PSEN2 (Stavljenic-Rukavina, 1).Nonetheless, the mutations in these genes also cause A? -level increase; A? is generated by proteolytic APP fragment that was also observed in the brains of AD patients (Stavljenic-Rukavina, 2). However, not all AD cases can be attributed to the three identified genes. Genes are then the most important determinant of AD development (Stavljenic-Rukavina, 2). On the other hand, there is a great chance for children with parents having history of familial AD to inherit the genetic traits and develop either early-onset or late-onset AD (Jayadev 375). As well, AD development threat in the offspring is directly related to age; the tendency of AD occurrence among children of parents with historical AD background increases as the children gain progress in their growth and development (Jayadev et. al. 375). The pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease, on cellular level, has been consistently observed. The pyramidal neurons are the type of cortical cells that are fundamentally deteriorated in AD pathogenesis resulting to the spread of NPs and NFTs in cortex areas (Felician and Sandson 20).Both NPs and NFTs are normally found in brain areas in the aging process but their concentrations and densities are pecu liar in the case of AD (Felician and Sandson 20). Originally, NPs are found at the amygdala and concentrated in parietal association and order temporal cortex parts (Felician and Sandson 20). In the maturity of AD, NPs can also be observed in hippocampus, in other structures of mesial temporolimbic brain, and even in cortical and meningeal blood vessels (Felician and Sandson 20).Luckily, the areas for sensorimotor and visual are remained unaffected. Meanwhile, in the early stage of AD, NFTs can be found hippocampus, amygdala, and in entorhinal cortex, the association cortex has abundance of NFTs (Felician and Sandson 20). However, NFTs are not exclusively for the cases of AD, these are also detected in the several cerebral troubles like in dementia pugilistica, postencephalitic parkinsonism, and subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (Felician and Sandson 20). The formation of NPs is attributed to the A ? peptide deposition; A ?peptide types that only differ in C-terminal are common in cerebrovascular and extracellular plaques (Felician and Sandson 19). A ? peptide, made up of 39-43 amino acids, is normally generated from APP or amyloid precursor protein. In addition, the series of hydrophobic C-terminal is crucial in its solubility and amyloid formation rate (Felician and Sandson 19). As such, A ? with 40 amino acids, A ? 40, as well as A? peptide with 42 and 43 amino acids or A? 42 and A ? 43 respectively (Felician and Sandson 19). However, in vitro, the variants of A?42 and A? 43 can easily form insoluble fibrils as compared with the A? 40 variant (Felician and Sandson 19). Furthermore, the incubation of these A? variants can immediately lead to coalescence implying the possible amyloid plaque deposition through these components. In line with this, diffuse plaques have nonfibrillary and A? soluble constituents denoting the senile plaques’ early stage (Felician and Sandson 19). Likewise, diffuse plaques have A? deposits in the absence of neuritic degener ation (Felician and Sandson 19).On the other hand, neurofibrillary tangles, comprised of abnormal bundles of intraneuronal filaments, are made up of tau microtubule-associated protein with high degree of phosphorylation (Felician and Sandson 19). The degree of phosphorylation is largely dependent on the enzymatic activities of kinases that are not yet fully understood (Felician and Sandson 19). Nevertheless, the intraneuronal abnormal filaments arrange themselves in either parallel or helical bundles in perikaryotic cytoplasm that make them in contact with the dentritic processes (Felician and Sandson 19).The amyloid precursor protein, a membrane glycoprotein, is consisted of 28 A? extracellular residues and 12 to 15 putative transmembrane residues (Felician and Sandson 20). It also occurs as 695, 751, and 770-amino acid isoform. While the 695-amino acid isoform occurs mainly in neurons, 770 and 751-amino acid forms are seen on both non-neural and neural cells along with protease in hibitor domains (Felician and Sandson 20). APPs are carried into the cell membrane by secretory vesicles and may undergo proteolytic bond breakage through the action of ?-secretase (Felician and Sandson 20). Consequently, this cleavage generates ? -APP, a soluble ectodomain and the precursor for A? peptide production through cleavage in A? domain. As the generation of soluble APP is, in vitro, ascribed with the activity of protein kinase C, uncleaved APP is inferred to take the proteolytic pathway (Felician and Sandson 20). On the other hand, APP intracerllular recycling and management are done through endocytotic or endosome-lysosome means. The endocytotic route causes proteolytic cleavages by means of ?– and ? -secratases leading to the synthesis of A? (Felician and Sandson 20). Moreover, A? production is enhanced by intracellular calcium concentration which denoted the significance of calcium-rich proteases in A? production (Felician and Sandson 20). In vivo, APP cleavage occurs at N-terminus at the A? -region through the action of ? -secretase and at the C-terminus by means of ? -secretase activity (Mohan 1). Also, APP can take a pathway facilitated by ? -secretase at the A? -peptide domain producing soluble ? -APP (Mohan 1).Ezymes can also possibly attack APP without A? -peptide generation (Stavljenic-Rukavina, 1). Since the putative ? -secretase, under the control of kinase C, regulates the generation of soluble APP, any agents that supports this metabolism may hinder the A? production (Felician and Sandson 21). As well, A? deposition may also be lessened by drugs which inhibit APP cleavage into ? – and ? -secratases (Felician and Sandson 21). Nonetheless, agents that can impede A? coalescence would decrease its neurotoxicity effects (Felician and Sandson 21).After the formation of amyloid plaques, neurofibrillary tangles and inflammation dictates the death of neurons (Stavljenic-Rukavina 1). In relation to this, microglia and astrocytes ce lls of the brain are heavily affected by inflammatory process (Stavljenic-Rukavina 1). In AD patients, astrocytes are enlarged and produce prostaglandin which in turn sends signal to activate the inflammation mediated by arachidonic acid (Stavljenic-Rukavina, 1). On the other hand, microglia generates free radicals which cause neurons’ death (Stavljenic-Rukavina 1).Meanwhile, cell nutrients as well as its regulation components are transported through the microtubules in which structural properties are mainly dependent on tau protein (Stavljenic-Rukavina 1). In AD condition, the tau lessens its capability to bind with microtubules and binds with other tau protein resulting to knots of helical filaments called as neurofibrillary tangles (Stavljenic-Rukavina 1). APP Duplication is Sufficient to Cause Early Onset Alzheimer’s Dementia with Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy Studies showed that A? encoding through APP gene expression leads to the development of Alzheimer-type demen tia (Sleegers 2977). APP genetic expression results to elevated levels of A? 42, a 42-amino acid product of the proteolytic process (Sleegers et. al. 2977). Aside from the cleavage of APP into alpha, beta, and gamma secretases, high APP genetic expression results to elevated levels of A? 42 and A? deposition (Sleegers et. al. 2977). Meanwhile, it has been long known that APP level triplication in Down’s syndrome patients results to the development of Alzheimer type dementia at early stage; the APP excessive expression leads to neurodegeneration and A? deposition (Sleegers et. al.2977). In relation to this, it was reported that families with cerebral amyloid angiopathy and early onset Alzheimer type dementia had APP genomic duplications which implied that APP over-expression, without full trisomy 21, has triggered the Alzheimer-type dementia (Sleegers et. al. 2977). In addition, Alzheimer-type dementia patients have elevated APP mRNA levels in their brains (Sleegers et. al. 2977). Further, the variation on the transcription of APP gene due to genetic factors was believed as the underpinning factor in the pathogenesis of the disease (Sleegers 2978). In fact, three APP mutations were observed on Alzheimer-type early-onset dementia patients. These mutations, as seen in vitro by means of trisomy 21, caused a two-fold elevation of in APP transcriptions (Sleegers et. al. 2978). With the aforementioned evidences on APP elevation through APP genomic mutations or duplications which resulted to the development of early onset AD, it could logically infer that A? has a crucial role in its aetiology (Sleegers 2978). Hence, for the evaluation of APP locus duplication on Alzheimer-type dementia cases, Sleegers et. al. conducted a study on Dutch population with early onset Alzheimer-type dementia patients. Material and Methods In the approval of the University of Antwerp medical ethical committee, the respondents of this research were recruited form an epidemiological study on early onset AD in several provinces of The Netherlands and in Rotterdam (Sleegers et. al. 2978).Patients with early-onset dementia diagnosis were enlisted based on the recommendation of medical experts and healthcare providers. As such, the assessment of the patients’ conditions was done in accordance with the standards of the Stroke-Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders Association, and the National Institute of Neurological and Communicative Disorders (Sleegers et. al. 2978). Medical records of the patients and their respective relative with similar trait inheritance were made available for an in-depth examination.Meanwhile, for the assessment of genetic inheritance, 111 patients with ages 33 to 65 years old of which had 75 respondents with familial background of either late or early-onset of dementia and 10 of which have autosomal dominant inheritance history for several generations of their respective clans were studied (Sleegers et . al. 2978). The genomic DNA or gDNA was derived from lymphocytes and alleles of APP were measured by means of real-time polymerase chain reaction, PCR (Sleegers et. al. 2978).Also, the PrimerExpress software was utilized for the design of ? 2-microglubulin or hB2M, exon 5, 11, and 18, ubiquitin C or hUBC, ATP5J, APP, and GABPA (Sleegers et. al. 2978). As the APP alleles were normalized for hB2M and hUBC, 20 nanograms of genomic DNA were combined with the PCR and 400 nanomoles of the respective primers (Sleegers et. al. 2978). Finally, the duplication of the samples was done by means of dosage quotients or DQs calculation through six normal individuals and dementia patients.Patients with trisonomy 21 were also included as controls (Sleegers et. al. 2978). Fluorescence in situ hybridization, FISH, was utilized to determine APP genomic duplication (Sleegers et. al. 2978). FISH was performed on both interphase nuclei and metaphase chromosomes while the Epstein-Barr virus-transformed pa tients’ lymphoblasts were taken from the metaphase period by means of 0. 1 microgram/milliliter colcemid treatment and incubated, at 37 °C for 25 minutes, in hypotonic solution of 1 molar sodium hydroxide, 30 millimolar glycerol, 0.8 millimolar magnesium chloride, 2 millimolar HEPES, and 1 millimolar calcium chloride (Sleegers et. al. 2978). This suspension then was used for 106 cells per milliliter as the chromosomes’ mechanical stretching was done through cyto-centrifugation. On the other hand, the Multiplex Amplicon Quantification, MAQ, was applied in the detection of APP locus duplication. MAQ was comprised of multiplex PCR amplification of the reference amplicons and targets which were tainted with fluorescent substance (Sleegers et. al. 2978).After MAQ, DNA fragment analysis, and comparison target amplicon DQ between control individuals and the patients were done (Sleegers et. al. 2979). Results and Discussion Real-time PCR APP measurements of 10 probands showe d heterozygous duplication (Sleegers et. al. 2982). Based on the Dutch population sample, APP duplication along with segregation pattern and neuropathology tantamount to autosomal dominant inheritance and AD with excessive CAA were identified with APP duplication in a family (Sleegers et. al. 2982).Specifically, the genomic APP locus duplication were observed in five of the 65 family cases with early onset AD autosomal dominance while APP duplication was detected in a single out of ten family cases early-onset AD autosomal dominance (Sleegers et. al. 2982). Even though these numbers are small, the data generated from this study illuminated the significance of genomic APP locus duplication assessment when simple mutations were excluded in AD known genes (Sleegers et. al. 2982). In the 65 patients with familial AD history, a single genomic duplication was identified (Sleegers et. al. 2982).In addition, the genomic duplications among the Dutch samples have 1. 8% overall frequency and 2 . 7% frequency in AD patients and family (Sleegers et. al. 2982). In contrast, duplication was failed to be detected on 36 patients with irregular early-onset AD which denoted that the duplication of de novo genomic APP is a weak cause of early-onset Alzheimer-type dementia (Sleegers et. al. 2982). Moreover, the duplication observed among the Dutch family samples has only APP which proved that genomic APP duplication, regardless of adjacent genes, has the capacity for AD and CAA mixed phenotype (Sleegers 2982). As well, duplication size differences signified the non-specific recombination substrate from the genomic attributes of APP locus; APP rather is in increased recombination region as imparted by other factors such as low transcription repeats (Sleegers et. al. 2982). Nevertheless, the mutation that affects APP expression among 4. 5% of the Dutch participants that either genomic APP duplication or APP mutation promoter carrier, are the frequent cause of Alzheimer-type de mentia (Sleegers et. al. 2982). Polymorphism in the Promoter of the Human APP GeneThe cleavage of APP produces A? with associated neurotoxicity; hence, genetic studies postulated that abnormal A? deposition neuropathologic AD conditions (Athan, Lee, Arriaga, Mayeux, and Tyco1793). The abnormal deposition of A? in AD patients has been ascribed to APP gene missence mutations and the proteolytic APP cleavage producing A? 42 which in turn triggers the development of early-onset AD (Athan, Lee, Arriaga, Mayeux, and Tyco1793). The most solid proof for this notion is the case on trisomy 21 wherein the duplication of APP gene results to increased A?peptide level and aggregation of such in the amyloid plaques of the brain (Athan, Lee, Arriaga, Mayeux, and Tyco1793). While the presenilin enyzymes enhance fibrillogenic APP conversion, the APOE or alipolipoprotein-E elevates A? coalescence and deposition (Athan, Lee, Arriaga, Mayeux, and Tyco1793). Since A? production is associated with APP con centration and on other factors in both A? and APP syntheses, it was hypothesized that the expression of APP gene is a determinant of AD development (Athan, Lee, Arriaga, Mayeux, and Tyco1793).Recently, a study reported the weak relation between AD inheritance and microsatellite sequence in the APP first intron and a tetranucleotide non-association with AD (Athan, Lee, Arriaga, Mayeux, and Tyco1794). Hence, to further scrutinize this issue, Athan et. al. anchored their study on APP promoter variant screening in tri-ethnic populations which included white, Caribbean Hispanic, and African-American as they intended to determine APP promoter identities. MethodologyThe respondents in this study were Manhattan residents of Washington Heights with ages of more than 65 years (Athan, Lee, Arriaga, Mayeux, and Tyco1794). Personal interview and medical background check, neuropsychological, physical and neurological examinations were done on the participants. In addition, individuals with quest ionable dementia, Parkinson disease, and other types of dementia were excluded in the study. Consequently, a total of 1,077 participants was successfully enlisted, whereas, 16% of them has family history of stroke (Athan, Lee, Arriaga, Mayeux, and Tyco1794).For genotyping, DNA from 1,013 respondents was taken as the panel of neuropsychologists and physicians established the criteria for the identification of AD patients along with the Clinical Dementia Rating Scale (Athan, Lee, Arriaga, Mayeux, and Tyco1794). The oligonucleotide primers used for APP promoter PCR amplification came from GenBank (Athan, Lee, Arriaga, Mayeux, and Tyco1794). From genomic DNAs and by means of Platinum Taq DNA Polymerase, the fragments were amplified while the product sequence was determined through dye terminators (Athan, Lee, Arriaga, Mayeux, and Tyco1794).Meanwhile, 15 microliter of the PCR products was introduced into WAVE fragment DNA analyzer (Athan, Lee, Arriaga, Mayeux, and Tyco1794). The haplotyp es PCR products were individually cloned through pGL3 vector in between SacI and Bg III sites (Athan, Lee, Arriaga, Mayeux, and Tyco1794). On the other hand, U-87 MG glioma cells were cultured with the solution of Earle’s balanced salt and 2 millimolar L-glutamine with 10% fecal calf serum in EMEM medium (Athan, Lee, Arriaga, Mayeux, and Tyco1794).At 70% confluence, the cells were transferred by means of FuGene 6 reagent and pGL3 vectors were added to transfected DNA to maintain a constant concentration of about 1 microgram per plate of 35 squared millimeter (Athan, Lee, Arriaga, Mayeux, and Tyco1794). While the isotonic solution of phosphate-buffered sodium chloride was used to wash the U-87 cells, the 250 microliter Reporter Lysis Buffer was applied for cell lysis (Athan, Lee, Arriaga, Mayeux, and Tyco1794).After this, the centrifugation of the cell extract was done at 10,000 g for five minutes. From the supernatant, 20-microliter aliquot was taken and combined with 100 mic roliter Luciferase Assay Buffer for luciferase activity measurement (Athan, Lee, Arriaga, Mayeux, and Tyco1794). Then, with 10-20 microliters of the lysate ? -galactosidase assays were performed. This ? -galactosidase measurement was utilized for the normalization of the luciferase data (Athan, Lee, Arriaga, Mayeux, and Tyco1794).Each allele was counted and by sample proportion calculation, the frequencies were computed (Athan, Lee, Arriaga, Mayeux, and Tyco1794). For the ethic group comparison of allele frequency, chi square analysis was applied while logistic regression was utilized for APP promoter and AD polymorphisms odd-ratio calculation (Athan, Lee, Arriaga, Mayeux, and Tyco1794). As well, for each ethnic group, logistic regression was employed as the data were classified with respect to the APOE allele’s occurrence or non-occurrence as education and age discrepancies were adjusted.Finally, Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium was analyzed through chi square analysis while the e thnic comparison of APP promoter and AD polymorphisms odd-ratio calculation as their education, age, and sex were adjusted (Athan, Lee, Arriaga, Mayeux, and Tyco1794). Results and Discussion Two types of APP promoter polymorphisms were detected and identified, with respect to the starting site of the transcription, as G>C at +37 and G>C at -9 variants (Athan, Lee, Arriaga, Mayeux, and Tyco1797).In connection to this, +37C allele was typically observed among 18% African-American respondents while European and Caribbean-Hispanic have 3% and 10% respectively (Athan, Lee, Arriaga, Mayeux, and Tyco1797). Although +37C allele was commonly observed among AD patients, the adjustment of their socio-demographic attributes with respect to this allele produced non-significant observations (Athan, Lee, Arriaga, Mayeux, and Tyco1797). Also, -9C allele was hardly detected for disease association.On the other hand, even though the adjustment with respect to socio-demographic traits was made, still a strong link was found between APOE allele and AD (Athan, Lee, Arriaga, Mayeux, and Tyco1797). Moreover, the evaluation of both +37C and -9C allele variants in U-87 glioma cells through promoter-reporter assays has resulted to non-significant promoter activity (Athan, Lee, Arriaga, Mayeux, and Tyco1797). The early onset, less than 60 years old, of AD has been ascribed to APP, PSEN1 and PSEN2 while the late stage, greater than 65 years old, AD development has not yet fully explained by the genetic model (Waring and Rosenberg 329).The development of AD in late age stage was associated with APOE and to other reported genetic variants and alleles, however, they still insufficient to plausibly explain the mechanism involved in the AD occurrence (Waring and Rosenberg 329). Summary Alzheimer ’s disease is a progressive degeneration of the capacity of the mind for cognition thus affecting the psychological and affective attributes of the inflicted individual.Based on genome-wide stu dy, children of parents with familial Alzheimer’s disease are more prone to inherit and develop this condition either as they take progress in their growth and development or at the senescence stage of their lives (Jayadev et. al. 375). The primary pointed culprit for this cognitive deterioration is the beta-amyloid peptide which is a part of amyloid precursor protein. APP passes through the fatty membrane of the cells and delineated in the different areas of the brain, even though, the normal function has not yet been fully known.As APP is attacked by enzymes, fragments are generated including A? -peptide with associated neurotoxicity. Sleegers et. al. in 2006 found the coincidence of cerebral amyloid angiopathy with Alzheimer’s disease in a Dutch multigenerational family. This genomic duplication was attributed solely to APP gene expression that was also observed in 65 Dutch families with early-onset of AD cases. However, APP locus duplication was not observed in 36 AD patients that signified the case of de novo mutation. On the other hand, Athan et. 2002 reported the two types of APP promoter polymorphism which involved +37C and –9C alleles. Moreover, they found a strong link between AD inheritance and the apolipoprotein-E role. In this connection, the genetic traits of every individual should be scientifically scrutinized for an accurate determination and identification of the substance involved in the development of the disease in parallel with its molecular mechanisms. Works Cited Athan, Eleni S. , Lee, Joseph H. , Arriaga, Alex, Mayeux, Richard P. , and Tyco, Benjamin. â€Å"Polymorphism in the Promoter of the Human APP Gene.† Archives of Neurology 59 (2002): 1793-1799. Bloom, Elin. Genetic Studies of Alzheimer’s Disease. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Uppsala, Sweden: Uppsala University, 2008. Felician, Olivier and Sandson, Thomas A. â€Å"The Neurobiology and Pharmacotherapy of Alzheimer’s Disease. â⠂¬  Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 11, 1 (1999): 19-31. Jayadev, Suman, Steinbart, Ellen J. , Chi, Yueh-Yun, Kukull, Walter A. , Schellenberg, Gerard D. and Bird, Thomas D. â€Å"Conjugal Alzheimer Disease. † Archives of Neurology 65, 3 (2008): 373-378.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Political Reconstruction in the State of Florida after the civil war Essay

Political Reconstruction in the State of Florida after the civil war - Essay Example This Almost every page of his writing has quotes regarding either the price of something, or someone’s opinion regarding something. Although they are extremely useful, there are no citations and therefore while interesting and useful can not be referred to as a legitimate source. The maps and other inclusions assist with the overall theme of the book and give the reader more information than what is written. Brown, Canter Jr. Ossian Bingley Hart: Florida’s Loyalist Reconstruction Governor. Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University Press, 1997. Although Hart was born long before the Civil War began, it was his attitudes and beliefs that spurred on some of the reconstruction shortly following the end of hostilities. As this is a biography a good part of the book is about Governor Hart, which is important in understanding how someone who was a loyalist was able to assist in the reconstruction. Hart following the war made an effort to support a Reconstructionist belief. I t is the author’s opinion that without Hart, the timing and intensity of the Reconstructionist movement would have been different. The book summarizes what Hart had to contend with in the state as well as among his own party members. This book is very useful in not only knowing about Governor Hart, but also his connections and how those influenced the future of Florida. This book has footnotes and additional information that aids to research of Governor Hart. Cobb, James C. Away Down South: A History of Southern Identity. New York: Oxford University Press, 2005. To be southern is to be different than those from different areas. It has its own culture, practices, and more importantly belief structures. The author using his upbringing as the staging point believes that he is in a unique situation to write the south. He is in fact from the south and can in his belief read between the lines of primary and secondary sources. Cobb pulls from leading historians on the reconstruction and how cultural identity it created to write something from a 1st person as well as from a 3rd person point of view. One major view point that Cobb is trying to convey is what â€Å"Southern Identity† is and how it is just as important as â€Å"Northern Identity† and how that needs to be explored. He includes citations of academic works. He also has a solid grasp on the information both written and what needs to be written. Cobb, James C. and William W. Stueck, ed. Globalization and the American South. Athens. GA: University of Georgia Press, 2005. Continuing on his theme of Southern Identity James Cobb teamed up with William Stueck to write about how the globalization of the world and specifically the United States is affected the south. While this book mostly centers on current economic structures and formation, there is a section on how the reconstruction following the civil war has influenced the growth of businesses and economy in the South. This is an edited wo rk so all of the essays are by different authors and speak to different issues. While most of the essays are informational and contribute to the understanding of Southern culture, what is interesting is that there is an underlying emphasis on how the new globalization is affected the black-white divide, and what that means for individuals in the south. Due to the varying authors, the citation styles are different, but this is an academic work that is useful for research. Davis,

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

MBA Programme Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

MBA Programme - Essay Example We optimize the economic value of new commercial property. The deals take the form of sales and leasing agreements. We have four employees directly engaged in negotiations and 12 outsourced professionals including lawyers, accountants, and building engineers. Under management we presently have two new buildings (95 thsd. sq.m.), with a potential worth of 180 mln euro. Our team is proud of the previous project - the Omega Plaza 110 thsd. sq.m. office center. This project was fully leased to 175 clients within a year. Gross revenue from the business center this year is 28 mln euro. Currently, the property owners are selling the building to a real estate investment fund that is interested in dividend income between 170-190 mln euro. Among our clients are BNP Paribas, Thomson Reuters, Nikon and Sviaznoy, the second largest digital retailer in Russia. My personal responsibilities within the company include maintaining relations with property shareholders, deal origination, execution supervision, budgeting and controls. In the next few years, I plan to offer other services at earlier stages of the property development cycle. The best opportunities I see are in the area of strategic partnerships between Western developers who possess modern construction technologies and expertise and between local developers who have land bank and local connections. 1. Please give your objectives for attending the INSEAD Executive MBA Programme. What would you like to achieve over the next 5 years, and how could the INSEAD Executive MBA contribute to achieving these plans? What are your alternatives to INSEAD? (500 words approx.) Objectives for attending INSEAD Executive MBA Programme My overarching objectives in attending the INSEAD Executive MBA Programme are to sharpen my skills and advance my career. I believe that modern business environments require flexibility and continuous learning. I use every opportunity to gain new knowledge and improve my current skills. As an experienced executive I see the MBA programme as a natural step to gain the world’s best business education. Though I have a strong financial background and deep knowledge of the real estate industry, I need further improvement of my soft skills to advance my career. To explore new opportunities I need to assess my career plans from a new perspective. I have a solid car eer, yet I am always open to new opportunities. Who knows, maybe after school I will begin a start-up company in China or launch a subsidiary of a Russian mining company in South Africa. I am seeking these kinds of challenges. 5 years plan Currently, I’m considering two options. In the first option, I will expand my real estate business and it will serve as both a property management and a property developing (design, fund raising, construction) company. I am also considering an Internet start-up project in the gaming industry. In the second option, I will return to my corporate career, preferably in a Russian company working in international business. In this case, I am interested in a business development position where I can explore my executive skills and have entrepreneurial challenges. INSEAD contribution To advance my personal development I have a strong motivation to continue my business education. My former education was formally devoted to finance (accounting, inves tment analysis, management accounting, advanced finance) and is short in terms of marketing, management, and soft skills disciplines. To build an international network I want to be an INSEAD alumni: part of a team that shares a similar interest for personal development and a commitment to making a difference. Last year I tried to launch a payment terminals company in the Baltic States. Despite the project being put aside, I was

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest - Essay Example He manages to convince some patients, however, in the end, McMurphy’s attempts prove futile. Despite the unsuccessful attempt to escape, McMurphy’s actions produce alternate favorable outcomes. Therefore, discussed below, are the reasons why McMurphy chose not to escape, his gift to fellow patients, and, the influence both parties had on each other. Despite having a flawless escape plan, McMurphy chose not to go through with it for the following reasons. Firstly, McMurphy realized that he would leave some of his helpless friends behind if he followed through on the escape plan, for example, Billy who did not consider himself as being ready to leave the hospital. McMurphy, therefore, feared that the progress made during his stay inside the mental institution would be destroyed by his departure. As a result, none of the patients would have the courage to take charge of their lives leading to self-recovery. Secondly, the drugs prescribed to the patients when mixed with alc ohol made it physically impossible for patients to follow through with their escape plans. Therefore, McMurphy could not leave some of his new friends behind especially because of the incapacitated state in which they were in. Thirdly, McMurphy understood that Nurse Ratched would inflict further harm on the patients left behind if his plans to escape materialized. He came to this conclusion, after thinking about Ratched’s behavior towards those who displeased or disagreed with her. He did not want to leave his friends vulnerable when questioned about his whereabouts. McMurphy symbolizes hope for the patients locked away under the harsh, inhumane treatment within the mental institution. Therefore, he bestows hope on his fellow patients who are in a state of hopelessness because of the inhumane treatment they undergo under the directives of Ratched. Before McMurphy’s arrival, nobody dared to question Ratched because of the repercussions that would ensue. Therefore, McMur phy’s courage to challenge Ratched worked to strengthen other patients resolve. The patients realized Nurse Ratched’s ploys held no power over their ability to recover and return to the outside world. The fact that McMurphy did not abandon his fellow patients by following through on his escape plans reflected McMurphy’s genuine concern for his friends. This helped to reassure other patients that they are worthy of love and genuine affection and that people still care for them despite their mental afflictions. The fact that, Nurse Ratched and her colleagues, including Chief Bromden, result to performing a lobotomy on McMurphy shows that they felt threatened by the impact he had on his fellow patients. McMurphy changed his fellow patients by making them realize that they had it in them to get better and return to normal. This occurred by taking up the role of the leader amongst his counterparts and rebelled against Nurse Ratched’s harsh treatment. This made other patients realize that they could take control over their lives. In addition, this allowed the patients to understand that they all individually possessed the capacity to influence the direction of their recovery process. For example, Billy managed to speak without a stutter after a successful sexual encounter with Candy during the execution phase of the escape plan. Despite Billy’s achievement abruptly coming to an end after Nurse Ratched threatened to expose him to his

Monday, August 26, 2019

Burger King Beefs Up Global Operations Case Study

Burger King Beefs Up Global Operations - Case Study Example The company today enjoys a larger foreign market than its main MacDonald. Burger King’s core competency lies in the unique method it uses to cook hamburger. Burger King cooks using flame- broiled method, different from grills that fry. This relates to the company’s service delivery options to its customers. It also offers a variety of options to its customers on how they prefer the burgers served to them. Most of Burger Kings restaurants are in the United States. Since the company started in 1954, its menu has extended to include breakfast, chicken, fish, and salad as part of the menu. Whopper sandwich is until today considered the firm’s signature product. Burger King started in 1954 as InstaBurger King. It went public in 2006 and has since then operated autonomously. The company grew to five restaurants by 1959. It was still in Miami, Florida and operated as a private firm. The name changed to Burger King in 1959 when it started domestic franchising. Pillsbury bought it 1967, after which franchising improved considerably. Pillsbury, in 1989, sold the company to the British company Grand Metropolitan. The merging of Grand Metropolitan and Guinness later formed Diageo, in 1997. The company has well-structured advertisement campaign. It uses big campaign companies outsmarting its competitors. The United States is nearly a full-grown market for fast food despite the growth opportunities available. This is particularly for hamburgers. Burger Kings plans to increase its market to international scale (Parasuraman, Grewal, & Krishnan, 2006). The company targets countries with a large population, mainly of young people, high beef demand and consumption. Other factors include capital availability for franchising and a favorable business environment. McDonalds is the main competitor of Burger Kings. International expansion of Burger Kings is, however, higher than McDonald’s. This presents both

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Government and politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Government and politics - Essay Example These questions will be examined in the course of this essay. The institutions of the EU are sure to change due to the Lisbon Treaty, perhaps most dramatically in terms of international affairs. The new High Representative for Foreign Affairs will unify Europes foreign policy. This will have a significant impact. It’s important to ask the question, What is power on the international scene? Part of it must surely have to do with purely military force (Kagan, 12). The US is the lone power in the world with the ability to conduct expeditionary warfare on multiple fronts across the globe whenever it wants to. As was demonstrated in the Balkans in the 1990s, Europeans aren’t able to project a credible military force even within Europe. Therefore the Europeans resort to the only thing they have for managing international conflicts, international institutions such as the UN. The success of European integration and solving the "German problem" has a lot of Europeans, Kagan says, to believe that they live in a Kantian paradise where inter national institutions can banish war forever (101). Americans have a different historical reality, and think of the world as a Hobbesian jungle where hard power rules. Now because of the Lisbon Treaty, Europeans will be taking more responsibility for their actions as a unified state. Hopefully, this will lead to the EU supporting the US in various actions rather than being a peanut gallery of criticism, with various European foreign minister sniping away (Nergelius, 89). Now Europe is left with two options: either they follow the US or be a silent partner. "Rather than viewing the US as a Gulliver tied down by Lilliputian threads", says Kagan, "American leaders should realize that they are hardly constrained at all, that Europe is not really capable of constraining the US" (100). The main reason he reaches this conclusion is because he thinks of power only in a

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Processing the Crime Scene and Establishing Identity Essay - 1

Processing the Crime Scene and Establishing Identity - Essay Example The initial pictures suggest that destructive material was used in the preparation of the bomb, as the dead bodies are showing very strong signs of injuries of ball-bearing piercings. There was considerable panic as depicted in the media at the crime scene because of the horrific outcomes of the blast. There has been no such incident in London within this area for years and people were not expecting this to take place at such an augmented magnitude. There are different speculations about the different aspects of the bomb blast and most of the people and experts are hinting towards the possibility of a terrorist attack. In order to lessen the speculations and start team oriented investigation of the crime scene, the following team is prepared keeping in view the requirements of the crime scene 1. Leader of the team 2. Photography specialist and Log Recorder 3. Sketch Artist 4. Evidence Recovery and Recording Specialists 5. Investigation Specialists (Allison, 2008) The first and foremo st responsibility of the team leader is to visit the crime scene with the team and brief the team members about the current situation and contextual background of the crime scene (Gardner, 2005).  . The area was secured as a first priority by a low level police agency in order to secure the evidences and fingerprints. After the initial help to the wounded, the dead bodies are placed on the ground and they are not touched as said by the team leader. The photographer has the responsibility to take the pictures of the crime scene from every angle in order to file a strong case for the FIR case. The role of photographer is of importance in this case because of the fact that crime scene is spread in a very huge area and the pictures must be taken of all the places where the bomb shrapnel and other pieces of human bodies have spread. This is important in order to have a sound knowledge about the strength of the bomb that was used. The photographs quality is also highly dependent upon th e angles that are deployed during the usage of the pictures at the crime scene because there is a great need to inculcate the fact that pictures will be used in the future also for investigation at a higher level (National Institute of Justice, 2013). The third role is that of the sketch preparer who has a very crucial role in this case. All the people who are the survivors of this bomb blast were interviewed and they were asked about the possible outlook of the bomber/culprit. Most of the people said that there was a teen ager who came at the bus stop he shouted something loudly which is not interpreted yet by people and then there was a blast. Most of the injured people have given the signs and outlooks of that boy and the sketch maker has given a sketch in which a clean shaven, teen-age white guy is depicted. This will be used country wide for the tracing of the original motivators of this crime. Evidence recorder is another very important role in a team investigation in this cas e which has the responsibility to collect all the evidences, finger prints, interview wounded people, survey the nearby buildings, shops, churches, schools and markets in order to get a strong grasp on all the important factors that were responsible for the crime. The other role is of the specialists who are the main responsible team member in order to get to the depth of this case. Forensic specialists were called on the crime scene who will apply the arts of back tracking and check the American national database for searching any possible

Friday, August 23, 2019

In what ways are the Aristotelian and Stoic accounts of emotion Essay

In what ways are the Aristotelian and Stoic accounts of emotion influenced by Plato's account of the psych in Republic IV - Essay Example He is an author of numerous works with their basis for his opinion regarding some issues like physical sciences, the sources of happiness, ethics of the Greek people and treatment of anger. His philosophies had a significant influence on the philosophical theories in the Western world (Plato 31). The history of the Stoics traces in the Hellenistic times. It consists of a number of philosophers teaching and talking about their views on philosophical issues during that period. Zeno originated with Stoicism philosophy, and he hailed from Athens as a teacher (Plato 34). His lecturing was noteworthy because it took place outside the classroom environment. Alexander, who was Aristotle’s student later, took over the philosophy. The philosopher addresses several areas, just like the issues by Aristotle’s philosophy as it has done (Plato 94). This philosophy is dissimilar to Aristotle in some issues and the manner of arguing out their issues. The only difference between this philosophy and that of Aristotle is how they view the issue of anger treatment differently. Aristotle reflects that anger has effects in the life and actions of an individual with that emotion. It is for that reason that he suggests that individuals should be careful prior adopting any action when they are angry. He connects anger to choices and choices by the person in question here. This theory explains that human beings should wait until their anger is over, so that they act to avoid regrets (Plato 110). Aristotle suggests that it is a cognitive response, meaning that the causes of resentment are due to a communication of the person’s mind and body. The effect is always negative as people tend to make wrong choices when angry, choices that they later regret. Reason being, communication to mind is so quick that the person does not realize the wrong act he is doing, which ends up being revenge.

History Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 15

History - Assignment Example The book also records the appreciation and appraisals for her contemporaries and colleagues like Izumi Shikibu and Akazome Emon. The tale diary also unfolds a saga of rivalry between Murasaki Shikibu and her contemporary Sei Shonagon. Along with this, the book evolves out to be one of the most enlightening literary pieces as it captures the authoress’ profound vision on life. The rivalry between, Shikibu and Shonagon composes a formative part of the autobiography and is most instrumental in learning about the socio-economic condition of China during that period in general and women of the Chinese society in particular as the book involves a strong feministic approach being the mirror of a woman’s mind. Both Murasaki and Sei were appointed as the teachers to the Empress Akiko and Empress Sadako. They used to impart education to the Empresses how to lure, seduce, attract and achieve Emperor Ichijo. From this fact, it can be easily contended that the status of the women in the contemporary society was that of a subjugated status. Women were educated not for their own sake but for attracting men or their prospective grooms and this was prevalent in all the classes of the society. Shonagon, the greatest rival of Shikibu, is described in her diary as the woman who is very ambitious and her pursuit for ambition is described as quite desperate which indicates that over ambitious attitude in women were not encouraged in the society of that period. Women were required and expected to be extreme feminine, quite and demure. Expressing fort right opinion in the case of the women was not acceptable in the social context and milieu of Shikibu’s time. Under this situation, Shonagon was projected as a woman who devastated every opposition by the force of her sarcasm and that of her wit. On the other hand, Shikibu described herself as a quite lady who was not able to mix properly with the society and for this reason she explained that she was looked down upon

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Rights of Enemy Combatants Essay Example for Free

Rights of Enemy Combatants Essay The September 11 2001 US bombing was followed by a US declaration of war against terrorism. The reason the US government cited for the war declaration was the intention to rid the world of all international terrorism groups that posed a formidable danger to the civilian life which is obviously innocent. True to its promise of war against terrorism, the US government has been seen to make progress. By 2003, the US government was holding about 762 terrorism suspects in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba (Stanton, 2003). The war against terrorism, according to the US government is still on and the government is not going to stop until it apprehends the capital terrorist and the head of Al- Qaeda, Osama Bin Laden. In the process of this war against terrorism, a number of tools and policies have been put in place by the US government to make the war successful. The tools at one point or another have often contradicted the very laws and regulations enshrined in the constitution of the US. One such contradiction is the concern of American Legislature of whether or not such terror suspects attract the legal rights enjoyed by the American citizens. The debate goes on. Introduction The meaning of the word Enemy Combatant is context specific. Taking the American fight against terrorism as the context, then the word may be taken to refer to an armed member belonging to an army of an enemy state with which America is at war. For instance, if America is at war with Iraq, then any member of the Iraq armed force qualifies to be called an enemy combatant (Detention of Enemy Combatants Act, 2005). It should be noted that the definition of enemy combatant has evolved over time. Prior to 2008 and according to the Geneva Conventions Article 3, an enemy combatant was described as any individual in an armed war or conflict and who attracts detention subject to the laws and customs of war (Geneva Conventions Article 3, 1949). In America today, the word enemy combatant may be taken to refer to any individual who is, allegedly, a member of the major terrorist groups; Al-Qaeda and Taliban (or member of any other group engaged in terrorism activities) who is being held or detained by the US government. Such individuals are termed as Unlawful combatants who do not in any case attract the protection of Geneva Convention entitled to War Prisoners. Therefore, enemy combatant has three definitions and we need to choose the one we will use in this paper. The last definition of enemy combatant i. e. an individual who is, allegedly, a member of the major terrorist groups of Al-Qaeda and Taliban being in custody of US authorities under the status of unlawful combatant. This paper seeks to highlight the legality of the â€Å"Unlawful Combatant† title given to these individuals by the US government. Further, the paper assesses the presence or absence of legal rights for the unlawful combatant subject to the constitution of the United States of America. Part three of the Geneva conventions defines the prisoners of war as military forces members or militia of such a force belonging to an enemy state at war with America, regular armed forces members showing allegiance to the government, Civilians supporting in non-combat roles and carries an ID issued by armed forces they owe allegiance, Inhabitants of a region uninhabited and who carry arms and reiterate on the enemies approach i. e. they follow the rules of war. Sometimes, an individual may fail to lie in any one of the specifications outlined in the Geneva Convention defining a war prisoner. In such a situation, the Geneva Convention article 3 specified further that such individuals should be treated to belong to any of the classes specified until their true status is determined by a competent tribunal. Treatment of unlawful combatants, who are supposed to be treated as war prisoners but are not, is a contentious issue in the Bush administration. The alleged suspects of Al Qaeda are supposed to be treated as war prisoners but have been called unlawful combatants, which is still within the confines of the convention. Now where the argument comes in is the closing clause in the Geneva Convention Part 3which spells out the fact that whether an individual is a lawful or unlawful combatant, he is supposed to be treated in a humane way (Geneva Conventions Article 3, 1949). The rationale behind the particular treatment of the â€Å"unlawful combatants† in Guantanamo Bay is enshrined in the Enemy Combatants Act, 2005 which has since received a considerable resistance from the judiciary and civilians alike. This 2005 Act not only managed to block the detainee’s access to lawyers and courts but also gave the government authority to play out of the dictates of the US constitution. The Act too denies the detainees the habeas corpus which is the legal feat through which detainees can ask for reprieve from illegal detention or imprisonment. The American Bar Association (ABA) is one such organization that has lifted up hands in protest against the detaining of individuals termed as unlawful combatants without giving them their right to habeas corpus. In 2003, ABA released a resolution besieging the congress to set standards to guide the detaining. They further urged the congress to allow the detainee full access to lawyers and courts in a bid to prevent netting of innocent individuals because some of the individuals held may have been found in the wrong places at the wrong times (Holland, 2008). The unlawful combatants should have access to courts and attorneys entitlement as specified by Geneva Convention Part 3 Section 5 which calls for a tribunal to determine if detainees are unlawful combatants or not. The tribunal needs to be competent. The Geneva Convention dictates are standards that should be followed internationally. In fact it is an international legal system. The Supreme Court attested to the detainee’s rights and that is why it ruled that the detainees could use U. S. courts to seek reprieve from detention (Senne, 2006). If among the detains there happens to be American citizens, such as Jose’ Padilla and Yaser Hamdi, then they have a right to an attorney, access to court and an hearing subject to American constitution. They are also entitled to a speedy trial; to determine whether or not they are guilty. They are entitled to these rights because they are American citizens. (CRS Report, 2005). The Military Trials Bill which got approval from the congress gave legislative support to the military to carry out practices unfamiliar with the Criminal Justice system of the US. The practices include prosecution, interrogation and detention denies the detainees their right of self representation (by forcing the detainees to accept lawyers from the military) and their right to a speedy trial (Smith, 2008). This infringement if detainee’s rights have also been witnessed by the Director for Human Rights, Washington Office, Tom Malinowski when he talks about how bush has managed to deny the detainees their rights. This view was affirmed by the Supreme Court when it issued an order for the 6 Algerian men who had been detained for seven years to be released. The court claimed that the detaining was illegal and it had gone against the rights of those detainees. This was seen as a setback on the US government’s war against terrorism. (Glaberson, 2008) Illegal Rights of Enemy Combatants Despite the civilians, human rights activists and some part of the judicial system maintaining that the Unlawful Enemy Combatants have legal rights that the government has only chosen to ignore, the government on its part denies this claim saying the response and treatment of detainees is within the confines of the constitution. The Enemy Combatants Act, 2005 and The Military Trials Bill set the pace for the treatment that the detained Enemy Combatants receive. The two Acts/ Bills make the treatment legal and they were passed due to anticipation by the executive that court challenges were imminent. Thus, the executive entrenched in the bills/ Acts some provisions strong enough to bar the courts interference and at the same time limit the application of international conventions that govern the treatment war prisoners or is it Enemy Combatants. These provisions also went further to bar habeas corpus leaving the detainees without any basis to seek reprieve from detention or to challenge the detention. Reacting to The Military Trials Bill, Neal Katyal, a law professor at Georgetown University said that the formation of the bill basically created two-system justice. The first justice system being the military commissions to deal with foreigners termed as Enemy Combatants and the normal or regular criminal justice system to take care of the US citizens. The emerging two systems of justice, he said, violated the14th Amendment which embraces the equal protection for all provided they are under the US jurisdiction (Austin, 2003). The fact that these detainees are called Enemy Combatants means that unlike war prisoners, they are open to detention for as long as it takes the war on terrorism without access to an attorney or any judicial intervention. The designation of Enemy Combatant traces its origin in the 1942 American Case Law where the supreme law was able to recognize the Law of War and its distinction between the War Prisoner (Lawful Combatant) and the Enemy Combatant (Unlawful Combatant). The distinction further that the Enemy Combatants were not subject to the â€Å"War prisoner† status that attracts the protection 1949 Geneva Convention pronouncements. The Enemy Combatant designation has . been used by the Supreme Court earlier in history and this has given the government precedent to use this term and treat the Enemy combatants as it does (Austin, 2003).

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

An Overview Of Metaphor And Politics English Language Essay

An Overview Of Metaphor And Politics English Language Essay The earliest study of metaphor can be traced back to the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle, whose definition of metaphor as transference of lexical meaning for achieving rhetorical and poetical value set the tones for scores of generations in their metaphor study. For a long time, metaphor was limited to a narrow field of practical rhetoric and composition, and even considered simply ornamental in function. The advent of cognitive linguistics, put forward by Lakoff and Johnson, has exerted a dramatic change to metaphor research. Metaphor is not merely a linguistic expression, but more fundamentally a form of thought with its own epistemological function. Furthermore, Lakoff also advocated that metaphor, as a phenomenon, involves both conceptual mappings and individual linguistic expressions (1992, p.5). In modern times, metaphor is recognized as a powerful tool in shaping the cognitive world that we experience and therefore is indeed something that we live by. Acknowledged as an in dispensable and decisive feature of natural language, metaphor is so ubiquitous that no study of language can be complete without an adequate account of it. Weekly Radio Address delivered by American Presidents is a special kind of language report in that the Presidents, facing a great number of audiences at home and abroad, have to analyze the current issues and persuade listeners to support or accept à ¥Ã‚ ¤Ã‚ © their ideas. America is a county largely propagating democracy and freedom, therefore, the President is placed on a high obligation to make his decisions open to the public. It should not be taken for granted that once winning the election and taking oaths in the inaugural address, the president can rest easy and relax himself forever. Weekly address serves as a channel for American president to communicate with people, strengthen his power and establish his image. In the address, either for political, cultural or economic, the main aim for the president is to win public support and acceptance; thus language choice and communication skills are of high necessity in achieving political persuasion. Charteris-Black (2004) once cla imed that Choice of language in general and metaphor in particular is essential to politicians overall pervasiveness. (p.2). In other words, proper metaphors are of top priority in the well-formed radio addresses, which can not A Study of Conceptual Metaphors in President Obamas Weekly Radio Addresses only get the speeches running smoothly, but add color to the language and make it easily accepted by the audience. Barack Obama is the first black president in American history. So in order to consolidate his position, he should pay much more attention to strengthening his impression on people through public communication. The image of reliability, honesty, morality and integrity is essential to making sure his long-term success in politics. Taking the weekly addresses made by previous presidents into consideration, it is not difficult to confirm that metaphor is widely employed owing to its nature of vividness and persuasiveness. In addition, as a great art work of language, metaphor also contributes a lot to polishing President Obamas speeches so as to avoid the risks of directly noting something unpleasant. So the relationship between politics and metaphor is like fish and water, just as Thompson (1996) once asserted that politics without metaphors is like a fish without water (p.185). In a word, metaphor and politics are closely related in one way or another. Without metaphor, politicians may encounter a lot of obstacles and troubles in expressing their ideas to the people; without metaphor, the strength of the political address will fade; without metaphor, human language will only serve a role of delivering information. Take what Miller (1976) said as a summary, metaphor is essential to political inquiry, because it permits us to extend our knowledge from our familiar world to a region that is not open to immediate experienceà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Metaphor is necessary to political knowledge precisely because the meaning and reality of the political world transcends what is open to observation (p.457). Therefore, President Obama extensively applies metaphors in his weekly radio address in that they can help to explain complex political issues, and Obama in this way can persuade listeners to accept his ideas, and influence their interpretation as well. 1.2. Goal of the Study Metaphor and politics are closely connected with each other. Weekly Radio address is a typical platform for the president conveying his political views and winning supports from the public. In the address, American president employs various tips, metaphor in particular, to make his speeches more accessible and powerful. In the past years, scholars both at home and abroad have made great efforts to study English political speeches in line with pragmatics, stylistics, rhetoric and syntax. But little 2 Chapter 1 Introduction emphasis has been placed on analyzing President weekly radio address from the perspective of conceptual metaphor. Therefore the purpose of the present study is to further analyze it in terms of the metaphor. We are expected to solve such problems: What kinds of metaphors are frequently selected in President Obamas Weekly Radio Address? What are the roles of metaphors in Weekly Radio Address? How do metaphors reveal president Obamas ideology meaning? By discussing the above three aspects, the author intends to raise wider awareness of metaphors and finally comes to a conclusion that selection of metaphor is to satisfy or realize the purpose of the speakers, that is, identifying speaker with the whole audience. 1.3. Data and Method The data in this paper is all Weekly Radio Addresses delivered by the current American President Barack Obama in 2010, from January 2nd to December 25th. These speeches mostly focus on discussing the important issues at home and abroad, and they are all downloaded from VOA website. As the main purpose for this thesis is to analyze the radio addresses in terms of conceptual metaphor, identifying or selecting the metaphors out is of top priority in the process. With the development of linguistics and science, Gerard J. Steen and other ten linguists have introduced a five-step procedure for metaphor identification (2002b); they are 1) identification for metaphor focus; 2) identification of metaphor ideas; 3) identification of metaphor comparison; 4) identification of incomplete compositions; 5) identification of metaphor mapping. (Steen, 2002b, p.393). Therefore, based on their theory of metaphor identification as well as Lakoff and Johnsons conceptual metaphor theory, the researcher will first select the conceptual metaphors from the data, and then classify them in groups for further discussion. Both quantitative and qualitative methods are used in the process of analysis, so that the conceptual metaphors, as well as their frequency and functions can be measured in details. 1.4. Organization of the Thesis In general, the thesis consists of three parts, introduction, body and conclusion. The 3 A Study of Conceptual Metaphors in President Obamas Weekly Radio Addresses introduction is responsible for presenting the purpose and the macro-organization of the thesis. Some background information and the research tasks of the thesis are also included in this part. The body is the main part in the study, including four chapters. Chapter 2 first presents the history of metaphor study and then mainly focuses on exploring the conceptual metaphor proposed by Lakoff and Johnson, including its categorization, working mechanism and systematicity. It comes to a conclusion that metaphor is pervasive in our daily conversation, no longer restricted in poetry language as before. Therefore, political language is also full of conceptual metaphors deserving our consideration and study. Chapter 3 gives a brief introduction to the Weekly Radio Address, and also explains its features and functions according to the varieties of public speaking. Chapter 4 discusses research design and research procedures. Conceptual metaphors from the weekly radio addresses delivered by president Obama in 2010 will be singled out and classified for special analysis. Then based on quantitative and qualitative methods, their discourse functions as well as frequency will meet careful investigation. Chapter 5 as the last chapter of the body mainly discusses the basis and the purpose for applying conceptual metaphors in radio address. That is, why should the prepared radio address choose metaphors to fulfill its goals? At last, the conclusion part is a brief summary of the above five chapters and generally restates the findings of this study. Some limitations and future proposals are also mentioned for further research. 4 Chapter 2 Literature Review and Theoretical Basis Chapter 2 Literature Review and Theoretical Basis 2.1. Previous Studies on Metaphor 2.1.1. A Brief History of Metaphor No technical term or concept in linguistics as well as in any other science is born out of nothing. The notion of metaphor originates from the Greek word metapherein, meta means with or after (denoting sharing) and pherein means bring across. Although the researches on metaphor have a long history which can be traced back to Plato and Aristotle, a widely-accepted definition for metaphor has not come into being yet. In the era of Greek scholars like Aristotle, metaphor was only referred to here and there in the ocean of linguistic literature or poetry. At that period, western literacy, linguistics and critical traditions had been interested in the possibilities of differentiating between literal and figurative language. Aristotle, generally praised as a first thinker to elaborate the theory of metaphor, also classified language into rhetorical and common ones, and in his book Poetics (1951, p.71) he pointed out that Metaphor is the application of an alien name by transference either f rom genus to species, or from species to genus, or from species to species, or by analogy, that is, proportionà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. Analogy or proportion is when the second term is to the first as the fourth to the third. We may then use the fourth for the second, or the second for the fourth. Sometimes too we qualify the metaphor by adding the term to which the proper word is relative., which indicates that the greatest scholar here identified metaphor as a figure of speech, using the name of one thing to refer to the other. After that, his view on metaphor has been largely followed by rhetorical scholars who also regarded metaphor as a displacement or an extension of the meaning of words (Ricocur, 1978), or an implied comparison of two different things (Feng, 1983). In addition, they also emphasized that an eye for resemblance was essential in making a good metaphor, and metaphor itself could polish language, make language more charming and distinctive. Later on, another slightly different view on metaphor, known as substitution, was proposed by the ancient Rome rhetorician Quintilian. It mainly stated that metaphor was formed by using one expression to substitute another equivalent literal expression (Lin Shuwu, 1997, pp.11-19). Therefore, both Aristotle and Quintilian have limited metaphor 5 A Study of Conceptual Metaphors in President Obamas Weekly Radio Addresses to lexical level, as a figure of speech no different from other rhetorical devices like synecdoche, metonymy and personification. But their main differences lie in that the former regarded resemblance or analogy as the essence of metaphor, while the latter shifted his attention to substitution or replacement. From 1930s to 1960s, a new view called Interactive Theory was put forward by Ivan A. Richards, one of the founders of modern, psychologically based literary criticism, to examine the metaphorical property of human beings mind and action and the structure of metaphor. He claimed that In the simplest formulation, when we use a metaphor we have two thoughts of different things active together and supported by a single word, or phrase, whose meaning is a resultant of their interaction(Richards, 1936, p.89). Therefore, according to Richards, when researchers are trying to find out how the language works, they are actually studying human beings mechanism of thought, emotion and other brain activities. Compared with the above mentioned two theories, Interactive Theory is much better and more authentic in that it no longer limits metaphor at lexical level, but shifts to the way of thinking. Whats more, Richards has widened the researching field of metaphor, not just in rhetorical or poetry d iscourse but in our daily language including science discourse. A new view of metaphor that challenged all these aspects of the powerful traditional theory in a coherent and systematical way was first developed by George Lakoff and Make Johnson in 1980 in their seminal study: Metaphors we live by. Their conception has become known as the the cognitive linguistic view of metaphor. Lakoff and Johnson challenged the deeply trenched view of metaphor by claiming that 1) metaphor is a property of concept, and not of words; 2) the function of metaphor is to better understand certain concepts, not just some artistic or esthetical purposes; 3) metaphor is often not based on similarity; 4) metaphor is used effortlessly in everyday life by ordinary people, not just by special talented people; and 5) metaphor, far from being a superfluous though pleasing linguistics ornament, is an inevitable process of human thought and reasoning (1980, p.3). They have been convinced that metaphor is pervasive both in thought and everyday language. 2.1.2. Definition of Metaphor In terms of the several theories discussed above, it can be taken for granted that metaphor has witnessed a great revolution, from rhetorical devices at lexical level to 6 Chapter 2 Literature Review and Theoretical Basis cognitive aspect as a way of thinking, and from poetry discourses to daily language. Its definition has also changed a lot: as in the ancient Greek, the word metaphor was defined as a novel or poetic linguistic expression where one or more words for a concept are used outside of its normal conventional meaning to express a similar concept; but since 1980s, the essence of metaphor has focused on cognition instead of comparison and the locus of metaphor is not in language at all, but in the way we conceptualize one mental domain in terms of another. Today, an increasing number of cognitive scientists, including cognitive linguists, are engaged in researches on metaphor. The reason is that metaphor study has extended to a much wider area, interrelating with human thought, understanding, and reasoning. Trying to understand metaphor, then, means attempting to understand a vital part of who we are and what kind of world we live in. So now one widely shared definition of metaphor is propose d by Lakoff and Johnson (1980): metaphor is not just a matter of language, that is, of mere words, but a cross-domain mapping in the conceptual system; the essence of metaphor is understanding and experiencing one kind of thing in terms of another; and metaphor is pervasive in everyday life, not just in language but in thought and action (pp.3-5). In addition, other scholars also put forward their ideas about metaphor. Metaphor is characterized by the conceptualization of one cognitive domain in terms of component more usually associated with another cognitive domain (Taylor, 1989, pp.132-133). Yu (1998) focuses on the mappings between the source domain between the target domain, stating that metaphor is a conceptual mapping from a source domain to a target domain with both ontological correspondence and epistemic correspondence entailed by the mapping (p.15). All the definitions indicate that metaphor is related to conceptual system and should be understood as a metaphorical concept. 2.2. Researches on Conceptual Metaphor In cognitive linguistics, conceptual metaphor, or cognitive metaphor, refers to the understanding of one idea, or one conceptual domain, in terms of another. There are two main roles for the conceptual domains posited in conceptual metaphor: one is source domain, referring to the one from which we draw metaphorical expressions; and the other is target domain, referring to the conceptual domain that we try to understand. For 7 A Study of Conceptual Metaphors in President Obamas Weekly Radio Addresses example, in the metaphorical sentence ARGUMENT IS WAR, the word war is the source domain, while argument as the target domain; the concrete source domain is used here to better analyze the abstract target domain. Therefore, with the advent of cognitive linguistics, metaphor has witnessed a great revolution in getting access to the conceptual study. In this part, some researches on conceptual metaphor are to be discussed for the sake of theoretical basis. 2.2.1. Categorization of Conceptual Metaphor Influenced by Michael Reddys Conduit Metaphor Theory (Reddy, 1979, pp.284-310) (He put forward that language functions like a conduit, transferring thoughts bodily from one person to another), Lakoff and Johnson in their cognitive theory of metaphor subdivided conceptual metaphor into three categories: structural metaphor, orientational metaphor, and ontological metaphor (1980, pp.93-112). Structural metaphor refers to the type of conceptual metaphor in which a target domain is understood by reference to the structure of its source domain (Wang Yin, 2006, p.409). In terms of its definition, there are two components and two conditions that are essential to compose a structural metaphor. The source domain and the target domain are the two components that must be two different concepts, which satisfy the first condition. The second condition requires that the two unlike concepts should have something in common by which the structural metaphor adopts to illustrate and comprehend the concept of the target. Again take the expression ARGUMENT IS WAR for example: Conceptual metaphor: ARGUMENT IS WAR Linguistic analysis: Your claims are indefensible; His criticisms were right on target; I demolished his argument; Ive never won an argument with him; He attacked every weak point in my argument. (Wang Yin, 2006, 459) It can be seen from the example that the words like claims criticisms and argument used for describing argument can also collocate with such war-related words or expressions as indefensible on target demolished won and attached. So we can come to conclude that the concept ARGUMENT is metaphorically 8 Chapter 2 Literature Review and Theoretical Basis constructed in terms of the concept WAR. Ontological metaphor is another evidence to show that metaphor is not only a phenomenon of language but also a means of thinking and behavior, which is pervasive in our daily life (Wang Yin, 2006, p.410). The source domain in ontological metaphor always refers to those familiar things or objects in our world, which can be seen and touched easily, so we can know its function and qualities at the first sight, then it contributes to the comprehension and cognition of the target which is regarded as non-material or supernatural experience. Take the following sentence as an example. ARGUMENTS ARE BUILDINGS. Obviously, buildings are the most familiar thing that we see and have a direct contact every day, so their special qualities, such as the appearance, the foundation, the thickness, the possibility of construction, repair, destroy, collapse, etc., can be physically perceived. Therefore, arguments are metaphorically described as buildings, implying that a successful argument is similar to a good building based on careful preparations, firm foundations, good working skills and so on. Otherwise, it will be defeated. In terms of the ontological metaphor: ARGUMENTS ARE BUILDINGS, there arise many expressions as follows. We need some facts or the argument will fail apart. We need to construct a strong argument for that. This is an argument, and it needs more foundation. If you dont support your argument with solid facts the whole thing will collapse. Orientational metaphor, also called the spatialization metaphor, refers to a series of conceptual metaphors structured according to spatial orientation such as up-down, in-out, front-back, left-right and central-peripheral (Wang Yin, 2006, p.410). The specialty of the orientational metaphors is that they are not used in arbitrary but in a fixed way based on peoples experience and culture, and their cognitive job is to give an ontological status to general categories of abstract target concepts. For example, Happy is up, sad is down. Im feeling up/down. You are in high spirits. He is really low these days. The above four sentences prove that we can understand and express our feelings in 9 A Study of Conceptual Metaphors in President Obamas Weekly Radio Addresses terms of the simple spatial concept (like up and down), and the spatial concept itself is constructed from our experiences, that is, interactive with the physical environment. The physical words up down high and low here are no longer understood as the direction words as before, but used to explain and describe the non-physical phenomenon. 2.2.2. Working Mechanism of Conceptual Metaphor In the past years, different linguists have formed different understandings on the working mechanism of conceptual metaphor, such as Richard and Black interaction theory (1936), Lakoff and Johnsons mapping theory (1980) and Fauconniers conceptual blending theory (1996). Mapping theory will be singled out in this part for further discussion. According to Lakoff and Johnson, there are two cognitive domains in the conceptual metaphor, the source and the target, and its working mechanism is to map the experiences of the source domain onto the relatively abstract target domain. They also reinforced that metaphorical thought, in the form of cross-mappings is primary, metaphorical language is secondary (1999, p.123). Fauconnier inherited Lakoff and Johnson cross-domain mappings, claiming that mappings between domains are at the heart of the unique human cognitive faulty of producing, transferring and processing meaning (1997, p.1). Mapping theory is widely applied in illustrating how the two parts or domains can be identified with each other. Take LIFE IS A JONRNEY for example; figure 1 shows the corresponding conceptual mappings between the source domain JOURNEY and the target domain LIFE: Figure 2-1: Mapping Structure in LIFE IS A JONRNEY Source domain Journey Travelers Point of departure Distance Obstacles Destination Termination Target domain Life Common people Birth Process of life Difficulties Goals in life Death 10 Chapter 2 Literature Review and Theoretical Basis 2.2.3. Systematicity of Conceptual Metaphor According to Lakoff and Johnson, metaphorical concept is systematic as metaphor is to understand one concept in terms of another (1980, p.12). Based on the above analysis of the expression ARGUMENT IS WAR, it can be seen that such war-related words as indefensible, on target, demolished, won and attacked are used in a systematic way to describe the battling aspects of an argument. The conceptual features of war are partially transferred to those of argument, adding much color and vividness to the abstract word ARGUMENT. The analysis of LIFE IS A JONRNEY put forward by Lakoff also proves that full clusters of semantically-related words (the italic parts) are sometimes used with related metaphorical meanings. It goes as follows: He got a head start in life. Hes without direction in his life. Im where I want to be in life. Im at a crossroad in life. Hell go places in life. Hes never let anyone in his way. Hes gone through a lot in life. (Lakoff, 1993, p.19) One aspect needs to be pointed out that the very systematicity allows people to comprehend one aspect of a concept in terms of another but meanwhile it also hides other aspects of the concept. Just as the above mentioned, the conceptual features are just partially not totally transferred from one domain to another. Some other features especially those inconsistent ones are not selected out for cross-mappings. For instance, air battle, naval battle, radar-invading airplane, missile, field hospital and Military Area Command are all under the vocabulary of war, but they are not chosen here to systematically depict the feature of argument. 11 A Study of Conceptual Metaphors in President Obamas Weekly Radio Addresses Chapter 3 Weekly Radio Addresses of the US Presidents 3.1. Introduction The Weekly Radio Address is the weekly discussion of current events in the United States by the President. Franklin D. Roosevelt was the first U.S. president to deliver such radio addresses, and then in 1982, President Reagan revived the practice of delivering a weekly Saturday radio broadcast which is followed by all the other successors including President Barack Obama right now (Wikipedia). It is a typical and important kind of discourse, as in the speech, the President usually announces many newly-emerged domestic or international issues, attracting public attention and responses. The address embraces a lot of useful and fresh information, ranging from politics, economics, culture, education, military service, to health care, etc.. Since Barack Obama made his inaugural address on January 20th, 2009 as a new President in America, his weekly addresses have continued on the White House website, showing his concern on America as well as the whole world. So it can be taken for granted that the weekly address is of great necessity either for the President who can build up his public image, or for the American people who can in this way enhance their vigilance and take current problems into further consideration. 3.2. Varieties of Public Speaking The Weekly Radio Addresses made my U.S. president can be perceived as a sort of public speaking for the audience around the world. Therefore, the varieties of public speaking are necessary to be mentioned here to illustrate the features of Weekly Address. In accordance with their general purposes, speeches usually can be classified into four categories: to inform, to persuade, to entertain, and to stimulate. 3.2.1. Informative Speech Information or information transition plays an important role in the development process of human society. In the ancient time, people could not have developed themselves without sharing information or drawing on the experiences of others. In 12 Chapter 3 Weekly Radio Addresses of the US Presidents addition, people in the modern world often consider information as a kind of power, bringing a lot of physical property and mental legacy. One of the major purposes for human communication is to collect, exchange and share information with each other, and so is public speaking. As for this type of speech, the speaker is required to convey information, or in other words, to keep the audience informed of something important and teach them how to deal with it. For instance, President Obama once started his radio address with a matter of doctors pay cuts aiming to keep people informed of its real reason and effect: More than a decade ago, Congress set up a formula that governs how doctors get paid by the Medicare program. The intent was to slow the growth of Medicare costs, but the result was a formula that has proposed cutting payments for Americas doctors year after year after year. These are cuts that would not only jeopardize our physicians pay, but our seniors health care. Since 2003, Congress has acted to prevent these pay cuts from going into effect. These votes were largely bipartisan, and they succeeded when Democrats ran Congress and when Republicans ran Congress which was most of the time. (12th, June, 2010) The above paragraph is a typical example of informative speech in Obamas weekly radio addresses. Furthermore, in the process of delivering speech, such techniques as discussion, explanation, illustration and description are of great help in ensuring that the audience can bear what the speaker said in mind and then really put them into practice. 3.2.2. Persuasive Speech The purpose of this type of speech is to influence or change audiences attitudes, beliefs, values, feelings, etc. or to persuade them to take some action. In ancient Greek, a famous scholar, Aristotle in his book Rhetoric and Politics (1954) once pointed out a reasoning formula known as the syllogism, in which ethos, pathos and logos were identified as the three criteria for achieving a successful argumentative speech. Ethos means the persuasive appeal of ones character, especially how his character is established by means of the speech and discourse. It is a vital factor in determining whether the speech enjoys a persuasive power or not, as only an ethical and honest speaker could present a truthful argument and win the audiences approval. Pathos is 13 A Study of Conceptual Metaphors in President Obamas Weekly Radio Addresses another communication technique and means persuading by appealing to the readers or listeners emotions. So in order to make the argument attractive enough, the speaker needs to have deep passion when delivering the speech. Logos stands for the appeal to reason. It is harder to argue against the argument built on reason and solid ground; and such arguments make the speaker look prepared and knowledgeable to the audience, which can in turn enhance the power of ethos. All the above mentioned three factors are of great necessity in improving the speakers persuasive ability when making a public speech. President Obamas radio address on 12th, June will be selected here once more for analysis: Im absolutely willing to take the difficult steps necessary to lower the cost of Medicare and put our budget on a more fiscally sustainable path. But Im not willing to do that by punishing hard-working physicians or the millions of Americans who count on Medicare. Thats just wrong. And thats why in the short-term, Congress must act to prevent this pay cut to doctors. If they dont act, doctors will see a 21% cut in their Medicare payments this week. This week, doctors will start receiving these lower reimbursements from the Medicare program. That could lead them to stop participating in the Medicare program. And that could lead seniors to lose their doctors. (12th, June, 2010) In persuading Congress to draft a plan to prevent doctors pay cut, President Obama first defines himself as a man full of sympathy, love and considerateness by putting on the shoes of physicians and the millions of Americans, and then presents several reasons to consolidate his argument. So ethos, pathos and logos are all skillfully used in this persuasive part. 3.2.3. Entertaining Speech As the name suggests, this type of speech is just to bring some entertainment or amusement to the audience rather than to arouse any serious response. It is

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Most Important Function Of The International Monetary Fund Finance Essay

Most Important Function Of The International Monetary Fund Finance Essay As Mussa says In official discussions of the role of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), especially at meetings of the IMF Executive Board and of the ministerial-level International Monetary and finance Committee, it is often observed that surveillance is the IMFs most important function.  [1]   Evidence on the importance of this function is what I quote from the literature of Murilo Portugal who points out that: One of the main purposes of the IMF is to promote international cooperation on monetary and financial affairs, being the machinery for consultation and collaboration on these issues. However, of all IMF functions this is the one that is least developed. This function is currently performed by means of exercises of multilateral surveillance of global economic and financial conditions. Two major reports are prepared twice a year for that purpose, the World Economic Outlook and the Global Financial Stability Report. These reports are discussed by the Executive Board and later taken up by the IMFC, both of which make generic exhortations to certain countries or group of countries to pursue policies that are considered appropriate from their own perspective, but that are also required from a global point of view. There is, however, a clear need to enhance the effectivene ss of multilateral surveillance.  [2]   Mr Lars Heikensten said the following on surveillance: The IMFs key instrument for reaching its overall objective should be its preventive activities, which are primarily carried out within the scope of its surveillance function. The IMFs primarily role is not to treat illnesses but to prevent them from breaking out. Much can be done to bolster the IMFs surveillance function, both as regards individual countries but also, to an increasing extent, by way of a stronger regional and global focus. This change in emphasis can, among other things, be motivated by the fact that globalisation and increased integration has resulted in a situation where more and more countries national policies give rise to externalities. A strong multilateral surveillance function could contribute, more clearly than today, to creating a broad international discussion of global imbalances, incorrectly valued exchange rates, etc., which generate risks to stability both in individual countries and in the interna tional financial system as a whole. In this context, it is crucial that the member countries accept and support the role that has been given to the IMF, including taking seriously its advice and recommendations. We are often more keen to underline the importance of the IMFs surveillance function for other countries than we are to be guided by the IMFs analyses of our own countries. This is not beneficial for the IMFs credibility.  [3]   For more several reasons, one of them is that we are now living the globalization era and as I cite from the IMF official website that In todays globalized economy, where the economic and financial policies of one country may spill over to affect many other countries, international cooperation on a global scale to monitor and influence economic developments is essential. With its nearly universal membership of 185  countries, IMF surveillance provides the mechanism for this cooperation. Effective surveillance contributes to a stable international monetary system that sustains sound economic growth through the following mutually-reinforcing processes: multilateral surveillance, or oversight of the world economy; and bilateral surveillance which comprises appraisal of and advice on the policies of each individual member country to promote external and domestic stability (including growth); analysis of cross country spillovers; and sharing of the aggregate experience of 185 members.  [4]   Another reason is that the supervision of fiscal transparency or supervision of monetary and financial transparency goes under, acts and interacts with the function of surveillance which monitors the policies chosen by the governments and the central banks of the member families and the. The Fiscal transparency entails being open to the public about the structure and functions of government that determine fiscal policies and outcomes, and the past, present, and future fiscal activities of government. Such transparency fosters better-informed public debate, as well as greater government accountability and credibility.  [5]   And the transparency of the Monetary and financial policies can be more effective if their objectives, rationale, and methods of implementation are communicated to the public in a clear and timely manner. Such transparency by central banks and financial agencies responsible for supervision and regulation of financial institutions and markets can also foster more informed market expectations, and greater public accountability.  [6]   Another reason is that the IMF will not start the process of lending unless it has the information about the member country that has the need, so the lending process comes after the process of surveillance. When its member countries experience balance of payments (BOP) difficulties, either through capital account or current account crises, the IMF can make loans designed to help them stabilize their international payments situation and adopt policy changes sufficient to reverse their situation and overcome their problems. In some cases, the IMF makes short-term loans to help prevent countries economies from spiraling into financial crisis and to facilitate renewed inflows of private sector capital.  [7]   And even there are a lot of critics on the IMF that it is giving a lot of long term loans which should be the role of the World Bank or other big market lenders as the World Bank has the better experience, competence, the ability and the support from the member countries to perform long term loans. As Dr Rosa emphasised It also argues that the main role of the IMF should increasingly delegate the role of long-term lending for structural purposes to the World Bank.  [8]   And she continues It is the World Bank, however, that has the staff and the technical expertise to develop and cost sectoral strategies together with client countries. The IMF, therefore, should work closely with the World Bank to ensure that the macroeconomic frameworks of client countries reflect the financing needs of their poverty-reduction strategies. Achieving this result will entail much-improved coordination in-country between statistical agencies, line ministries, finance ministries, and central banks and, in Washington, between the IMF and the World Bank.  [9]   Then to add that how important the function of surveillance the IMF Executive board decided to update and enhance this function by approving its new frame work. On a Statement by IMF Managing Director Rodrigo de Rato on IMF Executive Board Decision to Approve New Framework for Surveillance I get this quote: The change we are making is the first major revision in the surveillance framework in some 30 years, and it is the first ever comprehensive policy statement on surveillance. The new decision reflects current best practice in our work of monitoring members exchange rate policies and domestic economic policies. It reaffirms that surveillance should be focused on our core mandate, namely promoting countries external stability. And it gives clear guidance to our members on how they should run their exchange rate policies, on what is acceptable to the international community, and what is not.  [10]   The IMF should use the tools it has of bilateral and multilateral surveillance all the way through to encourage financial stability by making analysis for the day to day work with the members and by making these info available for all financial actors in addition to policy makers and market participants.  [11]   For all of that I think that the most important function of the IMF is surveillance and what it needs is more support from the member countries and from the IMF in implanting its policies for the better function of the economical structures of the countries in the open global economic world of today.